DNO Mission Statement
We want to continue spreading positivity throughout the world. When you buy one of our items you are not just buying a T-Shirt, you are buying into a family that stands for something. In what we stand for is knowing that life is hard and people go through many obstacles. But we want to keep sharing the lifestyle of being Down but never OUT. Things happen that may knock you down to the ground but they should never keep you down.
No matter what happens you keep going, never give up, NEVER, NEVER stay down.
Everything is a challenge but it’s your choice to learn and grow from it or not.
Positivity is all in your head. We want to spread that positivity, the moment you wear our clothes your telling yourself and the world that things may come at you from all sides and angles and they may put you down but you're never out.

Adil Lalji - CEO
Adil Lalji has been interested in fashion for as long as he can remember. His love and passion for expressing himself through clothing has grown throughout his life and is built on his combined passion for fashion and athletics. He wanted to create a clothing brand with versatile functionality, ranging from casual wear to sport ready. But his passion for his brand goes beyond just the fabric and its stitching, but to create something to inspire others. His brand serves as a reminder that although someone might be experiencing a low point in an area of their life, with hard work and determination, the tide will turn and the winds will shift—that although you might be down, that doesn’t mean you’re out. Adil is currently a college student, studying psychology and business. He is also a college athlete playing forward on his basketball team, a musician, and an entrepreneur. His love for the game has inspired his brand with one of his favorite fashion trends at the moments being the classic 1970’s NBA short shorts. While he has many interests, fashion will continue to be one of his favorites, guided by his belief that what you wear reflects who you are. Not only does Adil pride himself in WearDNO’s top notch material and reasonable prices, but also in its message to push yourself to your limits, even in the valley lows.

Matthew Lee - Co-Founder
Matthew Lee not only has a passion for the expressive part of fashion, but for the creativity required while building a brand. His interest in fashion has grown as he’s learned that clothing goes much deeper than pieces of fabric. During the process of creating WearDNO, he enjoyed learning about how complex clothing can be, from the types of material, the colors and even down to the fit of the clothing. What Matthew enjoys most about fashion is how it is distinctly unique to every individual. He loves the ability to express himself through what he wears and created WearDNO to share that ability with others. It is with that passion that Matthew wants to inspire others through his brand to not only physically push themself to their limits, but mentally as well. Matthew’s favorite fashion trend of the moment is the comeback of baggy pants. He believes that the iconic early 2000’s look not only looks well as casual wear, but also provides comfort compared to tight pants. Matthew’s long term-goal is to pursue his master’s degree in engineering, while continuing to grow WearDNO and spread its message of pursuing through deep valleys in order to reach mountain-top views.